Thursday, April 18, 2013

To Elaborate on Yesterday

I had an awesome opportunity yesterday to do a photoshoot with the oh so talented Ethan Watts. It kind of came out of no where but it was such a blast! A freezing cold blast running barefoot through a park but a blast none the less. I absolutely love doing shoots with wild hair and/or makeup. Here are a couple of shots that he got. So excited to work with him again.

I'm pretty sure Tyra Banks would be proud of that smeyes. But no, in all actuality I'm pretty sure I was the most awkward person poor Ethan has ever worked with.  Don't be fooled, being a dancer doesn't make you graceful in situations outside of dance.
You all need to check out the rest of his work, the stuff with legit models. He does fashion, weddings, basically anything you need. Use him. Abuse him. 

(link on his name)

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